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Sunday, 30 January 2011

it's a giveaway day!

OK folks! It's time for my very first giveaway!! About bloody time I hear you cry! My all new Etsy shop is up and running and generating interest... so in celebration of this auspicious event I am giving away a free 'Beef Cuts' 9x11 print - a gallery quality Giclée print on heavyweight 180gsm matte paper printed with long-lasting archival inks. It's a thing of beauty of which I am especially proud.

Simply leave a comment below with your name and email address. I will pull a winner out of the hat on Friday 4th February. And as I'm feeling generous today the winner will also receive a one-time 15% discount coupon for my shop!

Good luck!

Giveaway is open until midnight PST. Winner will be notified Saturday 5 February.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

a request

There are a few strange creatures in the world who have an obsession with envelope security patterns - that is the patterns that are found on the inside of the envelopes containing your bills and so on. I am one such person. A number of years ago I started to collect them and scan them. I collected a staggering 5 patterns! I am always using them in my work and just think they are so, well, pretty.
I've suddenly got the urge to create a large work with them... a map of the world made up of security patterns. I've done a test with the USA...

If I had more than 5 patterns, the map of the world would be that much more interesting of course. That is where you my dear friends come in. I need high res (300 dpi) scans* of envelope security patterns. Can you help me? Please send them to onelittlebird (at) ymail (dot) com. Anyone who sends me more than 10 different (usable) patterns will get a free print (once I've done it).

*Of course if you can always post some to me old style if you prefer :)

retro perfection

Killer retro work from Stevaker Design for Urban Stack Burger Lounge.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

prints are here!

Rather tickled pink to receive some rather beautiful giclee prints of my work this morning. They look gorgeous! Not the work, as that would be blowing my own trumpet, which I don't want to do, but the quality of the print is fantastic! And I'm a fussy bugger...

I will be putting these and more for sale in the shop in the next week.

jonny wan

Loving these letterforms from Jonny Wan.

perfect skin

I don't possess an iPhone {infact I'm way behind on technology}, but if I did I'd whack it in one of these lovelies.

From Beautiful Skin.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Wow! Making Treasuries on Etsy used to be such a faff! Waiting for a slot to come up and then pouncing on it. Having stuff in reserve. I tried once, but gave up. Now it's just got much easier. Click and create. I'm having so much fun I've made four already.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Monday Talent

Today is Monday!! Which means I have more talent to show you. And it's a double whammy this week as I somehow missed last week... wasn't paying attention!

First let me present Australian illustrator extraordinaire, Catherine Campbell. Her impressive and beautiful work has been extensively published and her client list includes Vans, Frankie Magazine and Billabong.

Her work is available to buy from her shop, 'My Folk Lover'.


Next up is Mark Weaver, a hugely talented designer and illustrator who has big name clients clamouring for his retro style including The New York Times, American Airlines and Wired Magazine.

His gorgeous silk-screen prints are available here.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

new shop

Exciting news! I've just found a great new marketplace online called Society 6. It's just a little more, how can I say, 'high-end' than your usual Cafe Press or Zazzle. I've opened a new store with them and you can now buy my prints directly as beautiful giclee prints and stretched canvases.

And not only! (there's more shameless plugging) there are skins for your iPad, laptop and iPhone as well as that all important iPhone case.

Oh, and some t-shirts too :)

Monday, 10 January 2011

monday talent

OK let's start a new regular post for the new year. It's called, you've guessed it, 'Monday Talent'! I'm so in awe of all the wonderousness that there is out there that I want to expose you to some of it. My very first bit of 'Monday Talent' is a certain Andrea Joseph. I used to think I was pretty nifty with a pencil. Sadly I haven't picked one up in years but this lady has inspired me to put lead (or ballpoint) to paper yet again. Not that I could do anything on this scale. Her work is stunning, mind-blowingly, obsessively detailed stuff. Just get a load of this.

Not only is she super-talented and self-taught (which I love), but she is a witty one too. Check out her blog and shop. I particularly love her little molezines.

a year to view

My calendar is finally finished!! I hope you like it. Below are my personal favourites... January, September and December.

You can see the rest here.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

2011 is here!

OK I'm on a roll... slightly late I know, but then I did have a baby so I think I can excuse myself! Here is the July page from my 2011 calendar which is taking shape.

The final size will be 10x8". Coming to an Etsy store near you very soon :)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

new year, fresh work

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a good one! The new year always inspires changes for me and I've decided to dust off the old Etsy shop. I've started on a new range of digital collages which will be on sale very soon. Here's a sneak preview of just a few of them. Would love to know what you think! :)


Bird Head

Beetle Collection

Beef Cuts

A slightly different direction for me, they are very much influenced by my love of old botanical illustrations, but it's important that they have a very modern feel which I hope I have achieved.

And thanks to all of those who took the time to vote on my L for Leo illustration in the last post. The overriding majority plumped for blue. I still wasn't entirely happy and made a few tweaks...

I would love to get this letterpressed. If anyone can point me in the direction of a good letterpress printer based on this side of the pond (ie Europe and the UK) I would be really grateful!
View all fonts in this project