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Thursday, 31 March 2011

new look and some other stuff

My grandmother was renowned for constantly moving her furniture around. Every time we visited she had entirely rearranged the room including a half-ton ornate walnut sideboard. She did this until the day she died and I'm sure I have inherited the rearranging gene from her. I've been gradually tweaking my blog daily for about 3 weeks now until finally settling for the current layout. Courier bad-font and all (I really like it!). So this is how we are for now... until the re-arranging bug bites again. I hope you like it!

Today marks the final day of selling my Japanese Girl print to raise funds for Japan. I have decided that there had to be a cut off point somewhere and the last day of the month seemed fitting. I am in the process of totting up the donation amount now and will let you know in a few days what you have helped me raise!

The shop is temporarily closed again due to problems with PayPal! I hope it is not too long before I get this resolved, but I am planning to re-open with some nice new products and new print sizes too... so keep checking in!

The images you're seeing are for my other 'project-of-the-moment' which is planning my upcoming wedding to George/christening of Leo in June. It's going to be completely DIY and low budget and I'm collecting some rather gorgeous ideas on Pinterest.

In the meantime, hope you have a great weekend whatever you have planned and look forward to seeing you again in April!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

today's colour is...

Ah, spring is here at last. And to celebrate new beginnings and a new positive frame of mind I am going to try and make a concerted effort to pay more attention to my much neglected blog. So, let's kick start things with a new regular (you notice I say regular, not weekly as you know how lax I am with these things by now) post... today's colour is...

lilac & chartreuse


Click on the relevant image below for credits on the above shots.

Monday, 21 March 2011

thank you

Nan Lawson

I've not felt in the mood much for blogging these days. Besides, the little shop is keeping me tremendously busy. But I do have many reasons to say a BIG thank you to you all...

First and foremost, my Japanese Girl print is selling like hot cakes, which is great as 100% profits go directly to Global Giving to help the victims of the disaster in Japan. We've managed to raise over $200 in just 3 days so keep those orders coming in :D

The creative community has gone a bit bonkers doing any little thing they can to help and so many of my fellow Etsians have donated proceeds from their sales. I'm very grateful to have had my print featured in many treasuries over the weekend and today I was very proud to have had one of my treasuries make the front page.

I'd also like to say a special thank you to Victoria of sfgirlbybay and Rachel at Lovely Clusters for putting out the word too <3

Thursday, 17 March 2011

helping japan

Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on March 11. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation's east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. Thousands of people are dead and many more are still missing or injured. (source: Yahoo News)

Japan has played a huge part in my life and the one place I hope to visit before I die! I am shocked and appauled by the worsening situation in this beautiful country. I have created this digital collage entitled Japanese Girl especially to raise money for the people of Japan. 100% of the profits I make on this print will be donated to Global Giving.
Although I would prefer you to buy this as a high-quality giclee print so that much needed donations can be made, a downloadable poster version is available to help spread the word :)

Friday, 4 March 2011

brits take home the gold!

I hope I am not too late to offer my congratulations to two of my nicest and most talented blog friends. Emma Lamb and Tif Fussell (aka Dottie Angel) both recently nabbed gold awards in the Rik Rak Handmade Olympics. Emma's pretty little crocheted forever flower garlands, which are now available in choose-your-own colours, stormed to first place in the Fave Inspiring Goodie category.

And Her Royal Dottieness, whose very own book is coming out this summer, triumphed in the 'Fave Thrifty Site' event.

Both well-deserved girls for your truly unique and inspiring styles.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

feeling better

A big thank you to all of you who commented on my last post and to lovely Emma Lamb! The offending Etsy shop is now virtually empty of all it's stock bar one old camera, so they've received their rap on the knuckles from Etsy. I felt much better today and just got down to cleaning the house and playing lots with my lovely boy...

Despite my shop being closed, I still have to say a big thank you to everyone who treasured me in February... an astounding 56 of you!

I have posted all the treasuries on my new Facebook Page with links to everything.
So, with a new positive swing in my step and a long weekend away to look forward to I hope to be seeing you all again in March!
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