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Friday, 12 March 2010

Creative Outlets

If like me you are always on the lookout for new design-led ways to promote your work, then you might want to check out these 3 great websites that I discovered this morning.

First is 20x200, an online gallery for talented artists founded by Jen Bekman.

Jen opened her pocket-sized gallery on the Lower East Side nearly 5 years ago with the mission of supporting emerging artists and collectors, and she's made a name for herself doing just that. 20x200 takes the mission one step further, making art available for everyone.

Next up is Society 6, a platform for the world's artists and creatives to promote their work and connect with unique opportunities. Anyone can join.

Last but not least, is Envelop, a great website for graphic designers wanting to see their work printed on cotton items such as aprons, potholders, napkins and totes.

I will add a new links section at the side of my blog entitled 'Design & Sell' and will add more design-led promotion websites as I find them. And please do let me know of any you like too!


  1. These are great finds, thank you for sharing! And yes, please do keep tabs on these types of sites. Very helpful!

  2. how awesome! thank you very much for the links :)

    i have been meaning to write to you but have been so busy at school this past week. expect to receive an email from me before the weekend is over.

    hope you enjoy your weekend! hugs!

  3. Great choices. If you are interested in photography and contemporary works on paper, let me introduce you to Circuit Gallery as well - put it on your radar.


    "Circuit Gallery specializes in high-end editions of works by emerging and established contemporary artists with an emphasis on photographic, digital and print-based works on paper."

    The gallery's mission is "to make interesting, significant, quality, contemporary art more accessible by making it more affordable."

  4. Hexagon pin cushion sighting:

    Scroll down! :-)

  5. Leanda - hello!! :) What a lovely blog. I've subscribed am off to make some chai and will settle in for a long read. x


Thanks for stopping by... its always nice to hear from you so please do leave a comment.

Leanda :)