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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Prints to die for!!

These incredible prints were produced by Stukenborg. They are infact letterpress impressions of dice printed on a Vandercook 317!

The dice are arranged on the bed of the press, and the ink is rolled directly onto the face of the die for each impression. Amazing huh!


  1. pretty insane. pretty genius.

  2. they are amazing! Must have took them for ever!

  3. these are fabulous Leanda, kinda mesmerising and feel a bit like those magic eye pictures as the subtle patterns keep coming and going out of focus... i love that they've used red ink too, i'm such a sucker for red... :)

  4. I don't know how I missed this! So cool!

  5. what a genius idea is that? G R E A T !!!

  6. very impressive. thank you for drawing attention to something of such calibre.

  7. Love this... I recent produced several prints on letter press for a project called ADVENTURES IN A BOX. We didn't use dice, but I did carve up a block of cork to produce two Disney dalmatians. Letterpress is great stuff.

    And thank you, One Little Bird, for adding me to your list of art sites....

    Best, Matthew Rose / PARIS, FRANCE


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Leanda :)