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Tuesday, 2 March 2010


I've just discovered BonBonKakku, a site which allows you to upload fabric designs for consideration for sale. Fabrics will be sold in their shop if they win enough votes. This is 'Spooner', my first submission.

So whether you're a designer or you just like ogling gorgeous fabric design, why don't you check it out!

Update: Sorry to say, but this site seems to have a lot of faults and does not operate properly. There is a similar site called Naked + Angry although as yet I haven't tried to upload anything. If anyone knows of any other similar sites, please leave a comment below :)


  1. such a good idea, i'm heading over to check out their website right now!! ps. love Spooner ;)

  2. Very Cute! You are absolutely prolific!

  3. Its perfect design. I love that.


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Leanda :)