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Friday, 4 February 2011

thermos flasks

I'm having a nostalgic moment on this cold and grey day in Athens (yes, it happens). Flasks full of hot tea, sandwiches and checked blankets in the car by the seaside with my nan (yes she had a caravan too)... beautiful thermos flasks!

teal street

cathode blue


I feel a thermos flask inspired print coming on :)


  1. I, too, love old thermoses. Thanks, Leanda, for featuring me on your lovely blog! I have recently started my own blog. I am so new to it and have lots to learn.

    Have a nice day!!

  2. wow, i never knew thermoses could look so cool!

  3. Hello Dude,

    Nice collection of thermos flasks. These are available in our market with shapes and sizes, which is used in lab for research. Thanks for providing this....


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Leanda :)