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Monday, 28 February 2011

Etsy store closed!

My Etsy store's been doing pretty good lately... I've been getting loads of attention from various bloggers and websites and been featured in over 50 treasuries in February alone - I even made the front page the other day! And sales were just beginning to pick up again after the new year slump!

It was all going too well. In three days I've received three messages from very peeved customers from the United States asking where their prints are. Apparently there are big delays into the US from Europe and the UK, with some people waiting as long as 2 months for their items. I know this, because I am not the only seller suffering from delayed postage syndrome. But what can I do? I have asked very nicely that they hold on for another week or so. But then what? I have to offer a refund or replace the item. As I have to outsource printing, it works out quite expensive for me. And then today, my printer has informed me that his postage rates are woefully out of date and they have gone through the roof! I have no choice but to raise my prices too!

To cap it all off, there is some little so and so out there on Etsy called Ceeologyy who is selling other people's work as their own. I am one of his victims. My good friend Emma Lamb was kind enough to let me know about it after spotting one of my prints on there. Laura Amiss is another victim. If you are an illustrator please check out their shop to make sure they are not passing your work off as their own too. I wrote a message in the 'report this shop' at the side of the shop, only to receive a message from Etsy telling me off for not reporting the copyright infringement in the correct manner! I had no idea that there was a whole copyright infringement and intellectual property page! And it's all in legalese, which I don't understand!!!

Sadly, I've had to temporarily close my Etsy shop... in a nutshell I'm not having a good day. I really hope to get my postage issues resolved soon and in the meantime, let everyone you know know about Ceeologyy!


  1. Oh Leanda, what a terrible story! I can't believe people could be so arrogant!!! Ceeology should change the shop name to Stealology! Hope they feels the full weight of the law on that one. I'm sure everything will work out - have faith :)

  2. Hi, thanks for sharing this. I'm really sorry that you've had such a rough time recently, and hope it all gets sorted soon x

  3. Sending good vibes your way (if that is possible!) and saying chin up; surely folks will be understanding since it is not your fault. Hang in there!

  4. Ooh Leanda! I'm so sorry! I hope everything gets sorted out soon!

  5. I've heard of another seller putting other peoples work in their shop before! So sorry Leannda this has now happened to you! Ceelogyy is still open but nothing but a camera in her shop, but etsy should have it shut down!!!
    Must be so frustrating not having control over postage. Touch wood mine are getting to the USA in a week but I send mine flat (between card) and clearly stamped 'Printed Paper' so it obvious there's nothing hiding in the package. A3 cost aprox £4.20 and A4 £2.50.
    Hope you get it sorted x

  6. Leanda, I am so sorry to read about these etsy experiences.

    I have loved seeing all the wonderful creations for sale via etsy, and have toyed with trying it for myself. Now I'd want to have a bit of a re-think about this possibility.

    Hoping that you will soon find another way to have your stylish designs find their global audience. xo

  7. This is so horrible. We want to trust that everyone is honest, so this is a real blow. It's a shame how computers and the internet make it easier for people to steal. I wonder if "Ceelogyy" even fulfilled the orders he/she sold, or just took the money and ran?

    I've been procrastinating on uploading stuff to my own shop and after hearing this story, I heave even less incentive!

  8. Gals... you have no idea what your messages of support mean to me! Thank you all for cheering me up this morning as I drank my cup of tea :) And Jax, you are right! Ceeology now only has one item in their shop... an old camera! So somebody on Etsy took notice :)

  9. Wishing you better days indeed. Shame on the fool who makes others' hard work his own. Shame. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic


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Leanda :)